
The report identifies usability issues and recommends improvements to enhance user experience.
Created based on user research and is used to inform design decisions by providing designers and developers with a deep understanding of the target audience.
Summary of key findings, insights, and recommendations based on user research and testing.
A concise document that provides an overview of a larger report, proposal, or business plan. It typically summarizes the key points and findings of the full document, including the purpose of the report, the research methods used, the main results or conclusions, and any recommendations.
Presents quantitative data and insights about the performance of a website or digital product.
Mapping out the user's journey through a website or app to identify areas of improvement.
Summarizes the findings of a webpage or app comparison test. It includes a summary of the experiment, the hypothesis tested, the metrics measured, statistical significance, and a comparison of the two versions.
A document that compares a company's products or services to those of its competitors in the market. The report typically includes information on the competitors' strengths and weaknesses, market share, pricing strategies, marketing and advertising tactics, and other relevant information.
A table that compares the features and specifications of different products or services. It is a visual tool that presents a side-by-side comparison of key features and benefits.
A visual representation that compares the strengths and weaknesses of a company's product or service against its competitors in the market.
A visual presentation that collects and arranges images, color palettes, typography, and other design elements that convey a particular aesthetic or mood. It serves as a source of inspiration and a guide for the design process, helping designers and clients visualize and communicate the overall look and feel of a design concept.
A collection of pre-designed user interface components and elements that can be reused across a website or application.
A problem statement is a clear and concise description of the issue or challenge that a project or product aims to address. Outlines the scope of the problem, its impact, and the desired outcome or solution.
A document or a list of potential new features or enhancements for a product or service.
User stories are a technique used in agile development to capture a description of a feature from an end-user's perspective.
A detailed and polished version of a design concept, intended to simulate the look and feel of the final product.
Detailed documents that outline the technical requirements and specifications for a design project. They typically include information such as the design objectives, user needs, design constraints, and technical requirements.